We use Food Therapy Approach
We believe the right kind of food can support the body's natural ability to take care of the organs, ensuring the organs are functioning well. We use this approach in producing healthy and highly nutritious dog food, so our dogs can live healthy, happy, and hopefully, they will have long lives too!
We also believe food has their own energetics, which affect the health of our canine companions. For example, goat/lamb meat has warming energy, and cucumber has cooling energy. Too much warming/heaty foods may cause issues such as allergies, skin rashes and hyperactivities. Too much cooling foods may also cause issues such as lack of energy, anemia, etc. It's important to be mindful of the energy balance in providing food for our dogs.
We are very intentional in choosing ingredients that we use in our products. Every product brings different benefits, therefore we suggest to rotate the variants and complement them with the healthy snacks and nutrition boosters every now and then, to ensure your dogs get maximum benefits. We also avoid mixing different proteins in our food, to make it easy for customers to avoid any allergens.
Our catalog with complete ingredients is available! Contact us if you wish to have it.
Our Dog Food Product series:
- Recipes formulated by US holistic vet
- Grain free
- With shiitake mushroom for its anti-cancer properties
- BUYBACK program: boxes can be returned to enjoy direct discounts
- Practical, just thaw and feed. Can still be mixed with other source of carbs if required (dry food, rice, etc)
- Warm-up is recommended. The food smells amazing!
- Comes in 450g boxes
KILO Series
- Recipes are inspired by Premium line
- Mixed in with pearl barley, a cooling, non-inflammatory source of carbs (better than rice and oats)
- BUYBACK program: boxes can be returned to enjoy direct discounts
- Practical, just thaw and feed. NOT RECOMMENDED to be mixed with other carb heavy food (dry food, rice, etc)
- Warm-up is recommended. The food smells amazing!
- Comes in 1000g boxes
To make it easier for customers, we also provide BOOSTERS and SNACKS in our shop.
Check out our SHOP to find more products!
Why We Started Kuluk Bali
We started this business in 2022, because we wanted to use the profit to support stray dogs who need care out there. Well, it was also because Citra keeps forgetting to restock dogfood supply for The Bali Dog Gang, so she wants to make sure she always have dogfood supply safe.
In 2024 we have produced and distributed over 1,4 tonnes of dogfood to feed beach dogs with the assistance of local community members, contributed to vaccinating and sterilising almost 50 dogs (strays and dogs owned by local families) and provided support to several solo feeders/rescuers.
We would love to do more with your support!

We understand they are family.
We are dog pawrents first, and business owners second. We are raising 11 dogs in our home, and we feed them the same food we sell because we want to support their health through the food they consume. This also helps keeping our production stock fresh at all times.
With Kuluk Bali, we aim for healthier and happier dogs across Bali; more dances and tail wags during meal times, at beaches, streets, or at home, and hopefully, it will also mean less visits to the vet for dogs at home, which we know will lead to happier pawrents!
These food are made with love, from our family to yours.
Citra and @thebalidoggang